
Dead Cow Rising

Dead Cow Rising


Published by Artphilein Editions
Essays by Gerry Badger & Daniel G. Gerold

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As annual inflation soars beyond 100%, Argentina's economic paradox is revealed in Andreas Billman's 'Dead Cow Rising.' Through striking landscapes of Vaca Muerta, rich in oil & gas, Billman explores the nation’s undeniable yet controversial potential as a major energy exporter. However, juxtaposed with this promise is the harsh reality of Argentina's rising inflation.

Billman employs a unique narrative device: each photo's title reflects the inflation rate since the first image, effectively using inflation rates as page numbers. Witnessing Argentina's story unfold visually, each turn of the page marks a significant rise, starting at 0% and culminating at a staggering 110% one year later. Dead Cow Rising’s visual narrative captures the complexity of Argentina’s path, where economic potential and reality collide.

Edition: First edition, 400 copies
Pages: 112 | Dimensions: 22.5 x 27 cm
Language: English, Spanish
ISBN: 9791280830234


UK - £5 / EUROPE - £10 / ROW - £20
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